Here it is. This is my betting progression I use when I visit the craps table. it keeps me playing for quite a while on a $300.00 bankroll.
Here's a power-press progression that starts much lower - with just $6 each on the six and eight. By-pass the come-out roll, then begin by placing $6 each on the six and eight. On the first hit on either number drop $5 on the table with the $7 pay off and tell the dealer to PRESS both the six and the eight. The Twelve-Dollar 6 and 8 System in Craps. Let's wrap up the systems to use by giving you one that I believe everybody should adopt. It is based on the following truths: Most craps players like to bet 'right' Most right players (90 percent) prefer the 6 and 8 as their place numbers; Most players in a casino have restricted bankrolls. The progression starts with a making a $6 place bet on either the six or the eight, or sometimes both. Casino jeu paris 13. You will be paid $7 each time the number hits, plus your bet on the number remains intact. Odds are 10 to 6 in favor of making a 6 or 8 before a 7. Press bets according to the betting progression for each place number. Best paying casino in biloxi ms. Bypass the come out roll and wait for a point to be established. Place the 6 and 8 for $18 each for a total of $36, regardless if 6 or 8 is the point.
Place 6 and 8 for $12 each, if win drop $4 and go to $30, if win (pays 35 + 30) Take $1 change and place all numbers for $64 across.
Craps 6 8 Progression 3
I've put together a WinCraps classic file for those interested.
At a real table, I don't press so aggressive. instead I look to see if there is more than $200 total bets on the table, I regress back to 64 across or if I notice individual numbers, I try to get as many greens as possible.
1) Drop $7 for $25 (Green Chip) after each 4/10 win if you choose not to increase your place bets.
2) Drop $11 for $25 (Green Chip) after each 5/9/6/8 win if you choose not to increase your place bets.
Total invest > $28.00 per round (Example: If 8 has $12, after a win drop $4 and go to $30 for a total investment of $28, after 8 wins again you take down your 6 and place all the numbers for 64 giving you $1 change and total investment of $15.00 across all the numbers).